Project Description
The Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere was a Pan-Asian dream of Japanese militarists during World War II. Ideally, it would consist of a Center (Japan), an Inner Zone (Manchuria + North China + Korea) and two Outer Zones (Southeast Asia and Indo-China Peninsula). Though Japan never realized this blueprint through military power, its economic ties and cultural ties with all the above regions continue to increase till today.
In this final creative project, students research Japan’s economic and cultural exchanges with its near and far neighbours after WWII, and demonstrate their findings on a collection of country maps of today’s East and Southeast Asia.
North/South ImportsThailand
Water FacilityIndonesia
Industrial InfluenceChina
Economic InfluencePhilippines
Defence CooperationPhilippines
Economic InfluenceSouth Korea
Education and ReligionSouth Korea
Cultural MergingSouth Korea
Undersea TunnelMannchuria
Heavy IndustriesManchuria
The 1931/32 InvasionManchuria
Resources and EconomyChina
Car IndustriesChina
Japanese AnimeChina
Japanese AnimeSouth Korea
Japanese AnimeSouth Korea
Comfort WomenSouth Korea
Tech War